Argus PEP Server Policy Information Points (PIP)

Policy Information Points (PIPs) are plugins to the authorization service that help populate and/or complete an authorization request. PIPs may rely on information already within the request or they may simply be able to self generate the data that they will add.

Request Validator PIP

NOTE: This PIP is new in Argus 1.3 (EMI).

The Request Validator PIP validates the incoming authorization request. It checks that the incoming authorization request contains at least one subject, one resource and one action, and that the attributes within them have at least one value, which is not null or an empty string.


  1. Create a new INI section for you PIP (you may choose any valid INI section name. e.g. REQVALIDATOR_PIP)
  2. Into the PIP INI section add the parserClass property with the value org.glite.authz.pep.pip.provider.RequestValidatorPIPIniConfigurationParser
  3. Configure how the authorization request must be validated

PIP Configuration Properties

Property Description Required? Default Value
validateRequestSubjects Require at least one subject with non-empty attribute values N true
validateRequestResources Require at least one resource with non-empty attribute values N true
validateRequestAction Require one action with non-empty attribute values N true
validateRequestEnvironment Require one environment with non-empty attribute values N false

Example Configuration

The following example shows a PEP server configuration with the request validator PIP enabled. The PIP validates the incoming authorization request and checks that it contains at least one subject, at least one resource and one action, all with non-empty or null attributes values.

entityId =
hostname =

pdps = http://localhost:8152/authz

trustInfoDir = /etc/grid-security/certificates

parserClass = org.glite.authz.pep.pip.provider.RequestValidatorPIPIniConfigurationParser
validateRequestSubjects = true
validateRequestResources = true
validateRequestAction = true
validateRequestEnvironment = false

OpenSSL Subject Converter PIP

NOTE: This PIP is new in Argus 1.3 (EMI).

The OpenSSL Subject Converter PIP transforms on-the-fly an incoming request subject attribute subject-id and/or attribute subject-issuer value from the old, unsupported and wrong OpenSSL oneline format (e.g. “/C=CH/ Doe”) into a correct RFC2253 format value (e.g. “CN=John Doe,,C=CH”) with the correct datatype.


  1. Create a new INI section for you PIP (you may choose any valid INI section name. e.g. OPENSSLSUBJECT_PIP)
  2. Into the PIP INI section add the parserClass property with the value org.glite.authz.pep.pip.provider.OpenSSLSubjectPIPIniConfigurationParser
  3. Configure which subject attribute ID and datatype values must be transformed from the OpenSSL format into the RFC2253 format.

PIP Configuration Properties

Property Description Required? Default Value
opensslSubjectAttributeIDs The space separated list of subject attribute IDs containing an OpenSSL value to convert No urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject:subject-id
opensslSubjectAttributeDatatypes The space separated list of subject attribute datatypes containing an OpenSSL value to convert No

Example Configuration

The following example shows a PEP server configuration with the OpenSSL Subject Converter PIP enabled, and transforming both the subject attribute IDs urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject:subject-id and, with the datatype values from the OpenSSL oneline format into the RFC2253 format.

entityId =
hostname =

pdps = http://localhost:8152/authz

trustInfoDir = /etc/grid-security/certificates

parserClass = org.glite.authz.pep.pip.provider.OpenSSLSubjectPIPIniConfigurationParser
opensslSubjectAttributeIDs = urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject:subject-id
opensslSubjectAttributeDatatypes =

Grid Authorization Profile PIP

NOTE: This is the default profile supported starting from Argus 1.2.

This PIP allows the PEP client to send only the end-user certificate or proxy as lone Subject Key-Info attribute. It will then parse the certificate, extract all the information from the certificate required by the gLite Grid XACML Authorization Profiles, and populate the request with attributes found in the certificate/proxy.

This PIP implements the XACML Grid Worker Node Authorization Profile (v.1.0) and the XACML Grid Computing Element Authorization Profile (v.1.0) specifications.


  1. Create a new INI section for you PIP (you may choose any valid INI section name. e.g. GLITEXACMLPROFILE_PIP)
  2. Into the PIP INI section add the parserClass property with the value org.glite.authz.pep.pip.provider.GLiteAuthorizationProfilePIPIniConfigurationParser
  3. To enable VOMS attribute certificate support add the vomsInfoDir property with a value corresponding to the absolute path of the VOMS vomsdir, traditionally /etc/grid-security/vomsdir.
  4. If, in the SECURITY section, the trustInfoDir property is not already set, add it with a value of the absolute filesystem path of your IGTF trust bundle.
  5. Configure which profile IDs are to be accepted.

PIP Configuration Properties

Property Description Required? Default Value
acceptedProfileIDs The space separated list of accepted authorization profile IDs No None.
vomsInfoDir The absolute path to the VOMS vomsdir directory. Y None.
vomsInfoRefresh The refresh interval time in minutes of the vomsInfoDir directory. No 60
requireCertificate The request Subject attribute key-info MUST be present in the incoming request. No true
requireProxy The request Subject attribute key-info MUST to be a proxy (PEM encoded proxy chain). No false

NOTE: If the ``acceptedProfileIDs`` is not defined, then all profile IDs present in the request environment *profile-id* attribute are accepted.

Required Request Attributes

This PIP requires that the request environment contains a profile-id attribute with the profile identifier, and that the request subject contains the certificate, and its chain, that were used to authenticate to the service, in the key-info attribute:

Populated Effective Request Attributes

The PIP will process the request subject key-info attribute and populate the following attributes:

If VOMS support is enabled and a VOMS certificate is included within a user’s proxy certificate, the following attributes will be populated within the request:

Example Configuration

The following example shows a PEP Server configuration with the Grid authorization profile PIP enabled, and accepting both the and the XACML Grid authorization profiles.

entityId =
hostname =

pdps = http://localhost:8152/authz

trustInfoDir = /etc/grid-security/certificates

parserClass = org.glite.authz.pep.pip.provider.GLiteAuthorizationProfilePIPIniConfigurationParser
vomsInfoDir = /etc/grid-security/vomsdir
acceptedProfileIDs =

Common XACML Authorization Profile PIP

NOTE: This profile is supported since Argus 1.6 (EMI-3).

This PIP allows the PEP client to send only the end-user certificate or proxy as lone Subject Key-Info attribute. It will then parse the certificate, extract all the information from the certificate required by the Common XACML Authorization Profile, and populate the request with attributes found in the certificate/proxy.

This PIP implements the Common XACML Authorization Profile (1.1.1) specifications.


  1. Create a new INI section for you PIP (you may choose any valid INI section name. e.g. COMMONXACMLPROFILE_PIP)
  2. Into the PIP INI section add the parserClass property with the value org.glite.authz.pep.pip.provider.CommonXACMLAuthorizationProfilePIPIniConfigurationParser
  3. To enable VOMS attribute certificate support add the vomsInfoDir property with a value corresponding to the absolute path of the VOMS vomsdir, traditionally /etc/grid-security/vomsdir.
  4. If, in the SECURITY section, the trustInfoDir property is not already set, add it with a value of the absolute filesystem path of your IGTF trust bundle.
  5. Configure which profile IDs are to be accepted, normally

PIP Configuration Properties

Property Description Required? Default Value
acceptedProfileIDs The space separated list of accepted authorization profile IDs No None.
vomsInfoDir The absolute path to the VOMS vomsdir directory. YES None.
vomsInfoRefresh The refresh interval time in minutes of the vomsInfoDir directory. No 60
requireCertificate The request Subject attribute key-info MUST be present in the incoming request. No false
requireProxy The request Subject attribute key-info MUST to be a proxy (PEM encoded proxy chain). No false

NOTE: If the ``acceptedProfileIDs`` is not defined, then all profile IDs present in the request environment *profile-id* attribute are accepted.

Required Request Attributes

This PIP requires that the request environment contains a profile-id attribute with the profile identifier, and that the request subject contains the certificate, and its chain, that were used to authenticate to the service, in the key-info attribute:

Populated Effective Request Attributes

The PIP will process the request subject key-info attribute and populate the following attributes:

If VOMS support is enabled and a VOMS certificate is included within a user’s proxy certificate, the following attributes will be populated within the request:

Example Configuration

The following example shows a PEP Server configuration with the Common XACML authorization profile PIP enabled, and accepting the EMI Common XACML Authorization profile.

entityId =
hostname =


pdps =

trustInfoDir = /etc/grid-security/certificates

parserClass = org.glite.authz.pep.pip.provider.CommonXACMLAuthorizationProfilePIPIniConfigurationParser
vomsInfoDir = /etc/grid-security/vomsdir
acceptedProfileIDs =

Other Policy Information Points (PIP)

Here are other PIPs that you can configure for testing or debugging purpose

Attribute White List PIP

This PIP can be used to filter out attributes that should not be accepted within a request.


  1. Create a new INI section for you PIP (you may choose any valid INI section name. e.g. WHITELIST_PIP)
  2. Into the PIP INI section add the parserClass property with the value org.glite.authz.pep.pip.provider.AttributeWhitelistPIPIniConfigurationParser
  3. Configure which request attributes are to be accepted

PIP Configuration Properties

Property Description Required? Default Value
acceptedActionAttributes spaced delimited list attribute IDs that may appear in the request action N None.
acceptedEnvrionmentAttributes spaced delimited list attribute IDs that may appear in the request environment N None.
acceptedResourceAttributes spaced delimited list attribute IDs that may appear in the request resource N None.
acceptedSubjectAttributes spaced delimited list attribute IDs that may appear in the request subject N None.

NOTE: if a property is not given then all attributes within the section (i.e. action, environment, resource, or subject) are accepted.

Example Configuration

The following example shows a PEP Server configuration with the whitelist PIP enabled, accepting only the key-info attribute from the request subject, and filtering out all other subject attributes. All the other request attributes (action, resource and environment) are accepted as is.

entityId =
hostname =

pdps = http://localhost:8152/authz

trustInfoDir = /etc/grid-security/certificates

parserClass = org.glite.authz.pep.pip.provider.AttributeWhitelistPIPIniConfigurationParser
acceptedSubjectAttributes = urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject:key-info

Environment Time PIP

This PIP populates a few time-related attributes within the environment portion of the request.

Note, using this PIP effective disables the response caching in a PEP Server as will make every request different.


  1. Create a new INI section for you PIP (you may choose any valid INI section name. e.g. TIME_PIP)
  2. To PIP INI section add the parserClass property with the value org.glite.authz.pep.pip.provider.EnvironmentTimePIPIniConfigurationParser
  3. Add the name of the created PIP INI section to the list of PIPs in the SERVICE section

Prerequisite Request Attributes


Populate Effective Request Attributes

This PIP will populate the following attributes within the environment portion of the request.

Example Configuration

The following example shows a PEP Server configuration with the Environment Time PIP enabled:

entityId =
hostname =
pips = TIME_PIP

pdps = http://localhost:8152/authz

parserClass = org.glite.authz.pep.pip.provider.EnvironmentTimePIPIniConfigurationParser

Static Attributes PIP

This PIP can populate the action, environment, resource, and subject of the request with a static set of attributes.

This PIP is very useful for testing as it allows for the creation of any arbitrary request.


  1. Create a new INI section for you PIP (you may choose any valid INI section name)
  2. To PIP INI section add the parserClass property with the value org.glite.authz.pep.pip.provider.StaticPIPIniConfigurationParser
  3. Define the property staticAttributesFile with a fully qualified path to a file that will hold the definitions for the static attributes
  4. If populating action attributes, define the property actionAttributes with a space delimited list of the INI sections, defined in the staticAttributesFile file, that represent the attributes that should be treated as action attributes.
  5. If populating environment attributes, define the property environmentAttributes with a space delimited list of the INI sections, defined in the staticAttributesFile file, that represent the attributes that should be treated as environment attributes.
  6. If populating resource attributes, define the property resourceAttributes with a space delimited list of the INI sections, defined in the staticAttributesFile file, that represent the attributes that should be treated as resource attributes.
  7. If populating subject attributes, define the property subjectAttributes with a space delimited list of the INI sections, defined in the staticAttributesFile file, that represent the attributes that should be treated as subject attributes.
  8. If the defined subject attributes should be added to each subject in the request, define the property includeSubjectAttribtuesInAllSubjects with a value of “true”
  9. Optionally define the property defaultAttributeIssuer to a value that will be used as the attribute issuer if the attribute definition does not define an issuer.
  10. Add the name of the created PIP INI section to the list of PIPs in the SERVICE section

To define your static attribute files, repeat the following steps for each static attribute you wish to define:

  1. Create a new INI section for you PIP (you may choose any valid INI section name)
  2. Define the property id with the value of the ID of the attribute
  3. Optionally define the property datatype with the datatype of the attribute. If no datatype is define the default data type will be
  4. Optionally define the property issuer with the ID of the issuer for the attribute.
  5. Define the property values with a delimited string representing the values of the attribute. See next step for the delimiter.
  6. Optionally define the property valueDelimiter with a delimiter string used to separate values in the previous property. If no delimiter is defined the default delimiter is ‘,’ (comma).



Populate Attributes

This PIP will populate those attributes defined in the staticAttributesFile file and referenced by either the actionAttributes , environmentAttributes , resourceAttributes , or subjectAttributes properties.

Example Configuration

The following example shows a PEP Server configuration with the Static Attributes PIP enabled:

entityId =
hostname =
pips = STATIC

pdps = http://localhost:8152/authz

parserClass = org.glite.authz.pep.pip.provider.StaticPIPIniConfigurationParser
staticAttributesFile = /path/to/some/file.ini
actionAttributes = actionId
resourceAttributes = resourceId
subjectAttributes = subjectId

And here is a static attribute definition file, note that this file can include attributes which are not currently used as action, environment, resource, or subject attributes:

id = urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:action:action-id
values = submit

id = urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:resource:resource-id
values =

id = urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject:subject-id
datatype = urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:data-type:x500Name
values = CN=foo