Argus: Policy Administration Point (PAP): Operation

Service Operation Commands

Start the PAP service
Platform Command
EL6 service argus-pap start
EL7 systemctl start argus-pap
Stop the PAP service
Platform Command
EL6 service argus-pap start
EL7 systemctl start argus-pap

Service Ports

  • Default service port: 8150
  • Default shutdown service and status port: 8151

Service Endpoints

/pap/services/ProvisioningService :
this endpoint provides the policy provisioning interface
/shutdown :
this endpoint instructs the PAP standalone service to shutdown and is reachable only from localhost on the configured shutdown and status port
/status :
this endpoint provides current status information on the PAP is reachable only from localhost on the configured shutdown and status port

All the web services implemented by the PAP can be reached at the /pap/services/ context.

Service Logs

The PAP standalone log file ( pap-standalone.log) can be found in the $PAP_HOME/logs directory. If the PAP is deployed on top of tomcat, the log file ( pap.log) can be found in the $CATALINA_HOME/logs directory.